Selene in Underworld (2003) and Underworld: Evolution (2006)
The British beauty sported a smoking-hot bodysuit to play vampire warrior Selene. As an added bonus, she ended up marrying the film's director, Len Wiseman.
She cries blood and is horribly embarrassed by her new fangs, but tender sweet young thing Jessica — all naïveté, strawberry blonde hair, and wide eyes — blends ingénue and vamp into one killer combo.
Jane - Twillight
Dakota Fanning
Jane is a high ranking guard in the Italian "royal family" named the Volturi who maintain a permanent residence in Volterra
Victoria in Twilight (2008)
Maybe revenge is a dish best served hot. Victoria may be plotting against Bella and Edward (Edward killed her partner in vamp crime), but Lefevre makes villainhood seem pretty darn appealing. Too bad she's been replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard for the third Twi-flick, Eclipse.
Danica Talos in Blade: Trinity (2004)
Posey made a rare departure from indie dramas to play Danica Talos, a vampire who helped free an imprisoned Dracula, in the third Blade film. As always, Posey looked pretty fierce and fashionable, even when undead.
Solina in Dracula 2000 (2000)
Just one of a trio of sex-starved vampirettes, Solina busted open Van Helsing's vault, hijacked a plane, and got speared against a wall. We mostly remember how hot she looked with fangs.
Darla on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) and Angel (1999-2004)
Angel's sire had an appetite for carnage and sex, and could rock a corset, a schoolgirl uniform, a slinky red dress, or [SPOILER ALERT] maternity wear. A man could do worse
Santanico Pandemonium in From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
The best part of this Quentin Tarantino-Robert Rodriquez tag-team? Hayek slinking on stage with a boa constrictor wrapped around her bikini'd body, which is the perfect set-up for the ''Holy crap, this is a VAMPIRE movie'' moment.
Star in The Lost Boys (1987)
Sexy, stylized, and (half) undead, Star was sexy enough to make a guy go head-to-head with a vampire biker gang to win her cold heart.
Akasha in Queen of the Damned (2002)
Released just six months after the R&B singer and actress died at age 22, this Anne Rice adaptation featured Aaliyah as the stunningly beautiful vampire queen Akasha.
Drusilla on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) and Angel (1999-2004)
Because some men, other than Spike and Angelus, like the crazy chicks. Whether behaving like a wispy little girl or a coldhearted killer (she used her fingernail!), Landau's Dru was always hypnotic.
Countess in Once Bitten (1985)
The only thing this 400-year-old vampire liked more than a plunging neckline is a virgin, whose blood she must drink to keep her eternal beauty. Enter Jim Carrey's Mark Kendall. ''I haven't had anything this pure since the Vienna Boys Choir hit town.''
Sonja in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)
Fans might have been skeptical that Mitra could sub in for Kate Beckinsale as the Underworld films' leading badass lady-vamp, but she held her own, particularly with some rather convincing swordplay. In the rain.
Esme in Twilight (2008)
We have a soft spot for hot moms, and Esme Cullen is way at the top of the list — sure, she's physically frozen in the body of a 26-year-old, which helps, but she's also devoted and thoughtful, and Reaser's easy warmth comes through despite the ostensible icy pallor.