Saturday, July 2, 2011

10 Jobs That Need Lie

Lying a sin? Hmmm ... do not deny we sometimes need to lie in our lives, especially in the work. Consider just his review. 

In their work, not only takes skill selling, bargaining, designing, or speak it. Lying is one skill that turned out to be owned by some of the following work: 

1. Clothing salesperson "Well you must be perfect to wear this color, look right you know in the skin. Please try it, I'll help you find the right size for you. "Thus it is often said by the salesman at a boutique you visit.
When you're fun to see the collections they have, and fixated on a suit, the clerk will immediately go over and greet you warmly. Deftly they get some size to you, so you powerless to resist. As a result, you had only intended to wash the eyes, out of the shop laden with a bag of groceries. Not only good at selling, the salesman was also good at lying. You are actually more fit than slim to wear boot cut leg, but he managed to persuade you. 

Skill lies: 3  

What is done by the clerk did not include crime, because he basically just trying to induce you to buy the goods he offers. Tempted or not it is completely under your control. But 80% of women in and out of boutiques, they managed to flirt and come home with the groceries. 

2. Cosmetics saleswoman You know why those are cosmetics saleswoman flawless? The goal is only one, to attract customers to buy their products. Although both women, but as women we also admire the beauty of other women you know. Would not be surprised if you suddenly stop at the cosmetics counter and talking with the salesman who has spent all weapons tester.
"This color will give the impression to slim your cheeks. Can be combined with a nude pink lipstick to make it look more natural and adolescents. let me show you how its application in your face. " 

Skill lies: 2

Even if the salesperson is beautiful, but the skill lies still less than the salesperson clothes that are easier to convince customers with tricks. Even so, you know not a few customers who successfully wooed a bit fooled by his talents and matching mixing colors. Moreover, women always want to look beautiful and eliminate their chubby cheeks. 

3. Doctor Still do not remember when you were kids. When the smallpox vaccine should be injected, the doctor will say, "No pain really, dik, it feels like being bitten by ants." Is that right? Of course not, injected with ant bites are two very different things. When injected, then there is a chemical / drug is injected into the body. While the ants, biting as their resistance.
It is a lie made by doctors for the good. But when you've grown resentful of course you do, why must say it feels like being bitten by ants? Is not there any other creative story? 

Skill lies: 5 

Doctors in the end we can always persuade. Saying injected like an ant bite? Hmm ... very silly indeed. But while we weep, yet we also want to finally injected by it right?

4. Teacher A teacher's duty to give a lesson to us. But teachers also became a figure who often deceive us know. "This incident actually happened when I was in kindergarten, but I still remember though only a few pieces.
I was never far from the mother, and wished she could accompany me everywhere, including when I have to start school. At that time I was crying when the mother was allowed to enter, I was breaking down for several days. Having successfully persuaded a mother, I want to go back to school. And that day my mother was also not allowed to enter. But this time the teacher did not say that the mother had gone home, but is being studied in the next room. If I'm smart, I would immediately go up to the next grade with his mother. And it works! I no longer cry "Aurora - 27 years. 

Skill lies: 5 

The teacher does know best how to handle children who are crying because did not want much from her mother. And in many ways trying to distract us and make us forget that the earlier we're looking for the mother. However, this lie was good for us. At least train our independence and courage when starting school age. 

5. Photographers Woman calls the lies made by the photographer as a manipulation. Yes, they are very good at deceiving the eye with their skill playing his camera. Make you look slimmer or more white in an instant. Although the results are printed only on shots, but many who submit photos of their pre-wedding to the hands of the maestro in the field of wedding photographers. His name was married, of course want it to look beautiful all the time? 

Skill lies: 5 

Manipulation of the photographer almost always succeed perfectly. Moreover, supported by a customer who want to intentionally lied to the image capture technique and a little editing. 

6. Taxi driver When you're anxious to see that the meter jumps from second to second, it turns out you did not also reach the destination. Intrigued at the same time you are worried ask the driver who brought you the time, whether the journey is still far away. And he replied, "is imminent anyway, bu. Soon we're here, "he said. The fact that happens, you do not go up, and be anxious enough money in your wallet to pay for a taxi that was big enough.
Well, this one lie can sometimes fall into the category of crimes, especially if they are deliberately spinning and look for the path further, in order to reap more benefits from their meter. And if things happen like this, report it immediately to the customer service taxi company. 

Skill lies: 4  

They usually just say, 'is near', 'not far away', 'soon to really', but 15 minutes walk, you have not reached the destination. Immediately contact your colleagues or your family and ask the location you want to go actually. 

7. Hotel Receptionist You might not think that in the off season there are only two rooms are empty, and you are very lucky to get one of them. You'd think, ah really glad and lucky I am. But do not be trigger-happy, it is occasionally done by the hotel so that guests feel that they visit a decent hotel and had a name. Though perhaps not all the rooms filled, but they will give the impression that the guest is a person who was lucky to stay and get a special room. Here's how I used to be a guest feel at home and become regular customers. 

Skill lies: 3  

Skill lies the hotel receptionist was admirable. But sometimes a person chose the hotel area not only because of his ministry alone, but also because it is close to the field. Not more than 40% of people loyal to his favorite hotel, although far from where he will visit. 

8. Actor / Actress Yes, the skill lies they can say the most perfect, because they are required to be able to play various kinds of human characteristics. Sometimes it plays the protagonist or antagonist. And it can be said as a lie to the audience, which also awaited, entertaining and even awards. The greater the lie that is done, the more convincing acting an artist, and the behavior of all films diperaninya. 

Skill lies: 5 

Well, no doubt their skill in deceiving others (acting). And lie is worth a thumbs up (in a positive sense), especially if one could portray the character of a very difficult and complicated. 

9. Secretary "Good afternoon. Sorry, sir, this time we're meeting your boss. Are you going to leave a message? "Said a secretary when receiving a call from a client. And if the boss is always busy meeting? No! Sometimes the boss is intentionally giving black list on a few clients that they consider intrusive and did not make the list of co-operation. In contrast, if the client is calling is very important. How busy your boss, it will prompt you to bother him.

Skill lies: 3  

Their answer is always convincing, but not entirely trust the client directly, because most people already know when a boss said he was busy, so he did not want to take a call. 

10. Home Sales "Oh, this house has a good history, sir. Very comfortable and abandoned by the owner of the house because they have moved offices in other areas, "he said as he showed some dark spots and you feel less comfortable. Sure enough, some time later you try to find out the identity and history of the house, turned out to investigate have calibaration, a few months ago the house was disatroni by robbers. And not just this once. Had changed owners a few people, all disatroni robbers. 

Skill lies: 4  

Yes, they could have put together a story of horror, romance, or comedy about a house that they offer. But history never lies, if indeed the house keeps a history of bad, sooner or underlayer you will know it. To that end, always be careful in deciding to buy a house.[link]
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