Photoshopped images are a hoot and there are literally thousands on the net that will just crack you up. I've been collecting a few here and there and have come up with my Top 50 Funniest Photoshopped Photos which I hope you enjoy. The one above about Apple's Steve Jobs' liver is one of my original Photoshop images, but all the rest are from around the net. Have fun!

Orange peel frog anyone? This image is so well done that you could really believe that there is a peeled frog out there in some jungle!

Once you start with fruit animals you just can't stop. Why did the turtle have to get married in his hometown? Because he cantaloupe.
Top 50 Funniest Photoshopped Photos
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![]() | Adobe Photoshop CS5 Upgrade Amazon Price: $189.00 List Price: $199.00 |
![]() | Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book Amazon Price: $26.75 List Price: $54.99 |
Photoshopped images are a hoot and there are literally thousands on the net that will just crack you up. I've been collecting a few here and there and have come up with my Top 50 Funniest Photoshopped Photos which I hope you enjoy. The one above about Apple's Steve Jobs' liver is one of my original Photoshop images, but all the rest are from around the net. Have fun!

This is really dancing with the stars! Check out that fancy footwork! It's so wonderful that these two can work in such perfect harmony... on the dance floor anyway!

Orange peel frog anyone? This image is so well done that you could really believe that there is a peeled frog out there in some jungle!

Continuing on the fruit frog theme, here is a frog from Kiwi land!

Once you start with fruit animals you just can't stop. Why did the turtle have to get married in his hometown? Because he cantaloupe.

And we were just saying about eating things that bite back? Watch out at breakfast too!

I do have to admit that this photo certainly is yummy. And yes, I am going to restrain myself from spewing out the couple of hundred jokes that come to mind about raw fish... this is a family-friendly site!

Since we are pushing the limits of family-friendliness, how about a ganjabuck?

You've got to watch out for that punk Abe as he'll steal your stash!

And of course, this is the best accessory for the alcoholic on the go!

Nothing goes better with a nice, cold Kegway than a great big bucket of KFC fried chicken!

If you're really looking to head to the cold to keep your beer frosty, why not equip your motor home with some snow tracks?

And if you find that there is an international border up ahead and you forgot to get a new biometric passport, you have absolutely no worries with this motor home. The border patrol couldn't stop you even if they tried.

"I kept telling my wife to eat only organic meats, but she insisted on saving money by buying beef that was full of growth hormone!"

I don't know how many hormones are in this package, but there are a fair number of Star Wars fans who would love to see this particular animal ground up.

I don't really know what to say about this weird pic, other than it certainly does grab your attention... and the eyes do look a little bit like JarJar's!

"Do not, I said do not, get the chihuahua angry at you..."

"...look what he did to the other dog..."

"... and let's not even mention the cat!"

Cats are sneaky. When you least expect it they'll camouflage themselves in a group of bunnies.

This is a particularly good cat disguise. He's so cute isn't he? "You're nobunny 'til somebunny loves you..."

"I told the kids not to take the cat on the dinghy... but... would they listen?"

However, there comes a time in every valiant cat's life when he must take up arms against his mortal enemies!

Especially if the mortal enemies are seven feet tall and have great big gangly teeth!

You're going to need great big gangly teeth, Homer, to get around that whopper of a donut!

I have got to get a new optometrist!

I don't think that this is exactly what the doctor had in mind when he prescribed eye drops.

Maybe the ol' doctor is getting a bit demented?

I can see that it is pretty easy to get confused.

Fortunately there are road signs to guide you through the most treacherous relationship, you just have to make sure to follow them!

Looks like the roller coaster might have needed some direction as well... not just UP!

See what happens when you don't pay any attention to the road signs?

Now this is what you want to ride off that aircraft carrier's deck!

Just make sure that your axle nut is torqued tight before you try that jump!

You could always have shipped your luggage to ensure that it would reach its destination.

Now this is what I call beautiful horsepower!

But just saddle up on the nearest dolphin and ride away from that big mean shark!

Heck, I know I've felt like this some days!

Just keep me as far away from this tree as possible!

Obama might as well not even run in the next election because it's going to be a Mr. Bean landslide!

Spidertractor, spidertractor, goes wherever a spidertractor can go...

I wonder if they used Spidertractor when they built this house.

It looks like something hungrier than Spidertractor was here!

"No, Ethel, you don't have to worry... the kids are downstairs playing The Sims... it's a safe, family-friendly video game... no violence or anything like that... it's educational too!" ( Link )