Attila the Hun

Attila The Hun One of the most famous criminals in history, told the troops Attila had conquered all of Asia by 450 AD-from Mongolia to the edge of the Russian Empire by destroying villages and seize it. How he died: He got a nosebleed on his wedding night in time to marry a young girl named Ildico. Though she has a fierce reputation on the battlefield but it is likely very little to eat and drink. On her wedding night, he completely eliminate the habit of eating a lot and get drunk. Until now he had a nosebleed that night but was too drunk to notice, then he drowned in his own blood and found dead the next day.
Tycho Brahe

An astronomer Tycho Brahe Danish top of the 16th century. How did he die? because he could not go to the bathroom when she needs it. In the 16th century, left the table before the banquet was over regarded as an insult. Brahe was known to drink excessively and have a bladder disease, he exacerbated the situation by drinking too much at the last supper. Finally, his bladder burst and kill him painfully slowly during the next 11 days.
Horace Wells

Pioneered the use of anesthesia in the 1840s. How did he die? anesthetic used for suicide, wow. It is said at the time to experiment with different anesthetics during the study, Wells became addicted to chloroform. In 1848 he was arrested for spraying two women with sulfuric acid. In a letter he wrote from prison, he blamed chloroform for that matter, Four days later he was found dead in his cell due to anesthetize himself with chloroform and slashed thigh with a razor.
Francis Bacon

One of the most influential philosophy of the 16th century. He was a statesman, philosopher, writer and scientist, he was even rumored to have written some of Shakespeare's works. How did he die? He Entering snow to chickens
One afternoon in 1625, Bacon was looking snowstorm and was struck by the astonishing notion that maybe snow could be used to preserve meats such as curing with salt. Determined to find out, she bought a chicken and kill it then get out in the cold standing in the snow, observed preservation of frozen chicken with snow. As a result of the chicken was frozen together with the observator (Francis Bacon, ed.)
Jerome Irving Rodale

The founder of the organic food movement, creator of "Organic Farming and Gardening" magazine owner and founder of a large company Rodale Press.
How did he die? At the time of "Dick Cavett Show," which discusses the benefits of organic food, Rodale said his boasted "I'll stay here 100 times unless I'm run down because of crazy taxi driver chased" hose only 72 times he appeared on the Dick Cavett Show in the interview, he dropped dead in his chair. Cause of death: heart attack.

A Greek playwright in the year 500 BC. Many historians regard it as father of Greek tragedy. How did he die? ie when an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head. It is said there is an eagle catch a turtle and tried to break its shell by dropping it onto the rocks from a height. The hawk probably thought was a stone head of Aeschylus (as bald-ed) and that's what made him die of an eagle that one investigation
Jim Fixx

The best writers and booksellers' Book Of Running Complit-manual jogging: approximately once started fond of jogging in the 1970's. How did he die? of a heart attack .... while jogging
Fixx visiting Greensboro, Vermont when he walked out of the house to jog. He only ran a short distance when a coronary attack occurred. Autopsy revealed that one of the coronary arteries 99% blocked, another was blocked 80% and the third was 70% clogged, that Fixx had had three heart attacks the other in the weeks before his death.